The Kern River Blue Star Moms are continuously fundraising. Your participation in any--or all--of these fundraisers keeps this chapter active. Our fundraisers include, but are not limited to:
Rummage Sales
Paint Nights
Silent Auctions
Holiday Wreaths
We are always looking for new fundraising ideas. If you have a suggestion, please contact us!
You can also support us by shopping! Simply choose us as your Amazon Smile charity.
The Kern River Blue Star Moms are active in many community events throughout the year. The public is encouraged to volunteer for any--or all--of these. These events include, but are not limited to:
Packing Events
1000 Flags Tribute
Veterans' Events
Blood Drives
Wreaths Across America
Military Send-Offs
Welcoming Troops Home
We are always looking for new community events to attend. If you have a suggestion, please contact us!
The Kern River Blue Star Moms run on the generosity of our donors. Your monetary donations help cover the immense cost associated with mailing care packages to our active duty troops. These packages include:
Toiletry Items
Non Perishable Snacks
Hard Candies
Tea/Coffee (individual)
Handmade Cards
Donations to be included in these boxes are also welcomed.